Not that everyone in cyberspace is waiting on pins-and-needles (no pun intended :), for my next blog entry, but I've tried to post something at least once a week. And now, I've thrown my entire schedule off! So, I apologize, because I do have some pretty cool and exciting projects that I can't wait to share with you all.

So, until I'm a little more organized, let me tell you about this sweet little dress. I used Sandi Henderson's Meadow Tortoise Plaid from her Ginger Blossom Collection and the smocking plate is from a book, Geometric Smocking by Juliet McDonald. As you can see, this fabric is one of my favorites. My mom even went crazy over it trying to think of something she could make out of it for herself!

I used it to make my very first bishop! I gave it to a dear friend of mine, Anna Pate, when she was expecting her first baby...sweet, little Parker. Now, over a year later, she can still wear it, but it's a little short. So, it's time to make a matching pair of pants! Won't that be adorable? Plus, it gives me a reason to finally also get Sandi Henderson's Ruffle Pants Pattern.

If it's not completely obvious, my second passion is simply adding projects to my list of projects to do! Oh, my!

So, I'll leave you with this sneak preview of Kimberly Gorham's baby shower I attended in Eva a couple weekends ago with my mama, Rita, and sister, Audrey. Isn't she beautiful!?! Stay tuned, because there is more to come....hopefully in a timely manner!