Friday, December 18, 2009

Merry Christmas

2009 Christmas Card

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Snow Day?

We're wishing for a snow day this weekend! Last time it snowed in Auburn, Matthew and I were on our way home from visiting my sister Audrey and her husband Jake in Hendersonville, NC. Unfortunately, we spent most of the day stuck in snow traffic in-and-around Atlanta. The trip normally takes about four hours, but that day it took eight! So, it was already dark by the time we got home. We did manage to roll up a quick snowman on the back porch to grab a few pictures. He was all decked-out with gumball eyes and a bottle cap mouth!
Needless to say, I think King could live without it all! I'm still keep my fingers crossed!

Tweet, Tweet, Tweet

A couple of weeks ago, Matthew and I co-hosted a couples shower at our home with Bradley and Isaac Robertson for our good friends Andy and Stacey Jordan. They are expecting their first child, Oliver Liam, on January 25th. We couldn't be more excited for them! If I know Stacey, Oliver will be completely spoiled...the way every child should be!
I was super excited about hosting my fist baby shower, and I wanted everything to be special. So, I had my mother, Rita Carr, paint the stork illustration that I applied to the invitations. After that, the nesting theme was born and I literally when crazy!
I knew I wanted to make Stacey a diaper cake, but I wasn't sure how I was going to "dress" it up. After looking at several online, I decided to make burp cloths to cover each tier so that the fabrics coordinated with the shower. I think it turned out pretty cute, especially with the bird nest topper. Plus, she got a total of 5 new burp cloths! Who doesn't like that!?!
Since it was a couples shower, we had to have a gender friendly menu! *L* So, instead of girly finger foods, we had meatball sandwiches, antipasto squares, seven layer dip, hot wings, rotel dip and chocolate covered bird nests cookies for dessert! It was all so yummy! Definitely a menu to keep!
Bradley and I thought blue hydrangeas would be perfect, and since mine were blooming like crazy mid-November (weird, right?) we used them everywhere!
My sister, Audrey Walter, made these gorgeous wreaths for the front doors. They were the perfect touch, and I've been enjoying them ever since. Thanks sis!!
And, yes, they were the lucky winners of the Tiger Corey Bubble. It should be perfect for little Oliver next football season! And, isn't Andy hilarious in this photo?? *L* Now I have a good idea of what Oliver will look like wearing the outfit!! :)
Congratulations Andy and Stacey!! xoxo Hannah